Monday 11 October 2010

List of Props, Locations, Lighting Plans and Costumes


We will prominently be using the voodoo doll as the main prop within the music video, and throughout the many scenes and scenarios. This is because it is the motif in our narrative, and will help the viewers understand the theory behind both band and narrative scenarios. However, there will be other props that will help us to tell the story. Other props we will use include the band instruments (bass guitar, electric guitar, drum kit with sticks, microphone and microphone stand) which will only feature in the band footage. There will also be a mobile phone which will be used when the male protagonist falls over in the street. It will be used to introduce the second female character in the video, as she will be the one speaking to the male on the other end of the line. There will be a few props being used in the scene at the pub location; these include a tissue for when the new girlfriend gets upset over a spilt drink- the prop of a tissue will make the sadness realistic. In the pub scene there will also be the glasses full of drink which will be taken from the bar to the seating area. These props are used both for the purpose of the spilling scene and to make the reason for going to the pub more apparent. Another prop that will be used in the music video will be a packet of chicken dippers (!) which will be used in the freezer cam section in the kitchen location scenes. The TV and TV remote will also be props that will be used in the shots where the male protagonist sees the crazy ex-girlfriend on the TV screen. Photographs that will be attached to the wardrobe in the evil ex-girlfriends room (and will be ripped down) will be props used to help sell the angry act of the ex-girlfriend and the fact that the male and female protagonists were together in relationship as the photographs will represent memories. We will also use a clock in a time lapse, and therefore will be a prop to our music video. There will be a car scene in the video; consequently the car can be seen as a prop.

All the previously mentioned props will help the viewers understand our narrative easier once the music video has been made as the props can be used an another form of speech, or another way to express a certain emotion, or even to show the viewers of a journey.


There will be many different scenes and scenarios within the music video, as the narrative will follow the male protagonist’s life over a series of days following a break up. These locations will include a passage way in a house that is meant to be the evil ex-girlfriends. This is where we will introduce the two leading characters who have previously had a relationship, but are now arguing. We will then see the male protagonist leave the house and walk down an estate street - the next location that is seen. We will then see the ex-girlfriend in the house location, both on the staircase and in her supposedly bedroom as these cuts will all link. Another location in the video will be the pub, in which two scenes will be filmed; one at the bar (both behind the bar as a worker and in front as a customer) of the pub, and one in the seating area. When we introduce a new female character into the videos, we will also be introducing a new location - the females’ bedroom, which will be used to contrast to the evil ex-girlfriends. A car park in the Whitley Bay area will be used for one of the scenes as it will be a near location for group members and actors to get to. The car park will be used for a scene with the rather large prop of a car! There will also be some scenes in the male protagonist’s house, for example, in the living room where he will see the ex-girlfriend on the TV which shows the progression of the male’s mental state. Also, in the kitchen of the male leads house, when he gets ‘stabbed’; this will also be when the ex-girlfriend is viewed, which shows the outside location (the yard) of the kitchen and house. The kitchen location will be used as a link to progress the video to the hospital stages of the story. We will also use the location of Rake Lane Hospital to make the video fully believable whilst showing the ambulance entering the dock station. We will also use a section of the school, as the walls look as though it is a hospital; this will be a good location as we could do filming for this scene through school times. There will be a scene where the male protagonist will be in a ‘soft room’ which will be near the end of the video to show the end result of his ‘craziness and the ex-girlfriends evil ways. The actual location for this scene will again be in school for the same reasons. We will use a large white sheet to create the affect of the soft room.

These locations will be used to help the viewers understand the progression of the males ‘mental health’ (as it goes from a friendly estate street to the strange hospital) and also the evilness of the ex-girlfriend as she is situated in every location – linking with the lyrics ‘everywhere’.


The costumes we will use for the music video will mostly be casual wear for the many ‘day scenes’; this can include casual jeans, print t-shirts and jip jackets for the male protagonist, and leggings/jeans, and a top with a cardigan or small jacket over for the female actors. For the scenes in the pub, clothing such as a smart shirt and jeans will be worn by the male actor and a nice top with jeans and heels will be worn by the female. We will dress the ex-girlfriend in a black hooded jacket for certain scenes, so that when an event happens to the lead male, he will look around and think he sees the ex-girlfriend, however after looking again she will not be there. By having the ex-girlfriend in the hooded jacket, it will make the uncertainty of the male clearer for the audience to see, as the costume would make it harder to distinguish if it really is the ex-girlfriend or not.

However, we will also use costumes such as patient’s outfits and lab coats to fit in with the narrative of the deteriorating mental health of the male character. The male protagonist will wear a patient’s gown whilst filming the hospital scenes to further the fact that he is actually in a hospital. Lab coats will also be used so that the ‘doctors’ have the authorial look, in which they would need for that particular scene. The ex-girlfriend will also wear a nurse outfit to further the mis-en-scene.

For the band scenes, the lead vocalist, who is also the lead male in the narrative, will be wearing the patients gown again, and the other band members will wear the lab coats to fit into the theme of the story.

Lighting Plans

We will try to use as much natural light as possible so that the end result looks like it is in realistic and natural lighting. In locations where it will be too dark, we will use the industrial site lights to ensure the video image can be seen clearly, and the lights make the scene look like natural daylight. However the lights may cause shadows and so we will have to learn how to use them properly before filming to ensure the finishing product will look good.

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