Monday 4 October 2010

Homework Task - Analysis of 3 Music Adverts

Red Hot Chili Peppers

This poster for Red Hot Chili Pepper’s relates to the style of our band, Momentum through its rocky image but colourful and playfulness. I really like the colours that have been used in this poster. The black background makes the images more striking and the colours used are bright and although the 4 colours are primary colours the tone is more ‘pastel’ which stops the poster from looking too ‘aimed at children’ as stereotypically merchandise for children contains very bright colours. This would be a good thing to use for our band poster as although bright, primary colours are striking they also can look un-professional and child-like. Which is why choosing more pastel tones look more subtle but still stand out.

This poster is very simplistic, yet it still looks good. By having the band’s image on the poster it makes the band members more recognisable, therefore promoting the band, as well as the song/album.

The background has a very central image of a circle shaped, spiral. This connects each image of the band members and it looks like a pulse, which is signified by its central location on the poster.

The images of each band member, are all fairly large images. Each one is a close-up just showing the band members head and shoulders. I think this looks effective to the target audience as it makes it look much simpler and raw. Whereas having each band members full body including different clothing for each band member would look more cluttered. I don’t think it would be necessary to include costumes or clothing in these images because clothing is often used to illustrate and symbolise genre and personality. I think that the genre and each personality of each band member stands out to the target audience through facial expressions and position of each band member. Each facial expression is different but not one is blank-faced or smiling. Each expression shows attitude. The image of the band member in the top right shows him looking above, and the camera is low, pointing up towards him. This is a very confident pose, almost arrogant, which would reflect the confidence of a lead singer, so if the target audience doesn’t know each band members role, they would be draw to the conclusion that this man was the lead singer or the bands front man. This is clever use of position and composition of images to create a subtle hint to the target audience.


This poster is very high in image to text ratio, the poster is mainly image with the band’s name at the top. I think having a poster more image based makes it more effective to the target audience as it means the audience doesn’t have to study the poster by reading text to find out what the poster is for as, often, an image can effectively give off as much information as a large amount of text.

The style of the image is very 70’s inspired. We can tell the era by the costume/ clothing the band members are wearing. They are dressed smartly in ‘dressed down’ suits, without ties and they’ve also added a bit of 70’s inspired character into the traditional, normally mundane suit, by adding tassels. I think costume is very important for a bands poster because, effectively, it symbolises the bands genre and reflects the personality of the band and each band member. For my bands poster I will think carefully what costume we will have our band wearing so its consistent with the bands image and also reflects personality.

The band’s name is the only piece of text on the poster, this means that, the band, and their name, are the main piece of information the designer wants to give the target audience. Having the bands logo, which is the style of writing their name is printed, on the poster advertises the brand of the band, not just simply stating its name, this makes it more re-memorable and more interesting to look at and more pleasing to the eye than just a name.

Maroon 5

I love the style and design of this poster advertising Maroon 5, this poster is split evenly, 50% / 50%, image to text ratio. This poster is giving the target audience much more information than the previous two band posters. By stating when the album is released it tells the target audience that the poster’s advertising a forthcoming album or single. I will defiantly consider putting a release date on my poster as I think it looks more professional and its more informative.

The font used is consistent throughout the poster- name and information. I think its important that font etc is consistent as it looks more professional. The band are wearing casual clothes and the photo is in colour, this reflects the bands style and genre as they are a light hearted, fun and upbeat band, similar to the genre of our band, colours are also used to reflect light heartedness. I think it would be a good idea to incorporate lots of colour into our poster.
The background of the poster is black, which helps make he image and text stand out, but the background has a wave-like, spiral design faintly on the black. I think this subtle detail looks effective because its not in the target audience’s face. A discrete design of image adds character to the poster and also lessens the harshness of the black background. I will considering using an idea similar to this for the background of my poster, as I don’t think our band’s genre would suit a plain and very simple background.

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