Monday 4 October 2010

Homework Task - Analysis of 3 Music Adverts

All-American Rejects
I like this advert as it is black and white but also colour, therefore getting the best of both. Yet it shows that it is very gender specific to the bands gender as they are all boys hence the use of blue. This is very typical and is stereotypically aiming at its audience which is males. By looking at it, there isn’t a lot to the advert yet it still catches your eye which suggests that being minimalist is sometimes the key. Propaganda has been used as the colours are red, white and blue represent the American flag and because they are an American band this matches perfectly. In other words this shows they are very patriotic for their country and nationality. The graphology of the font changes as you go down the poster, for example “The All-American Rejects” is in a very sketchy, scribbley font. This then changes do a very curly font for “Dirt Little Secret” and then “Single Out 19th June” is in a normal font. By using all these fonts it tells us of some connotations e.g. the scribble font symbolising boys, then the curly font for girls and finally the normal font to be neutral. Consequently targeting it audience like it did with the DVD cover with the different colours representing gender e.g. pink for girls etc, this suggests that its products and promotions have a theme. To help the consumer know the bands product more, the album is shown thus promoting their product and making it easier to find in stores and on the internet, therefore given its consumer a visual of the product to remember. There is a lot of persuasive language as it says “Out now” to make the target audience rush out and buy it, giving the release more dramatic and meaningful. As you can see the advert follows English frameworks e.g. Graphology due to the photography used of the 4 band members and the CD cover. Also it follows lexis as it uses jargon such as “album”; as a result it is all linked to music making this the semantic field. You can see by the poster that it is trying to really engage its audience as it advertises the bands single and album. As a result taking advantage of the ad and showing everything the All-American Rejects have to offer. If you look closely on the advert it looks very magazine like because of the quality, this makes it look old and paper like but futuristic due to the photoshopping and technology. By doing this it strengthens the bands image as they are demonstrating something new rather than normal photograph. As a result it shows All-American Rejects’ power of money to create their image.

Jimmy Eat World

The advert for Jimmy Eat World is different to its DVD cover as it is in colour this is probably them wanting to show variation in their work. Due to this they experiment with it using a selection of colours to highlight certain names or titles such as music magazine and newspaper names e.g. “KERRANG” and “OBSERVER”. As a result showing its popularity with the press and public. Therefore this is a persuasive technique to gap its audience by using the media. I like how the advert has a big image covering the page as this lets the information to go over the top and covering unneeded sky or ground. Because of the high angle used this shows the power of the band as they are releasing singles and making money. As the bands faces aren’t on the front cover of the CD they have put their faces on the advert to show its theirs and the consumer can they recognise them. The set up of the photography shows who is the main singer of the band as he is closest to the camera which normally suits the same layout of the stage e.g. drummer at back singer at front etc. Due to this it shows that the main singer is the most important and is the key image of the band. To attract the audience even more they describe the album: “FEATURES THE SINGLES … SALT SWEAT SUGAR…” this lets people see what songs they will get for their money. On the poster it doesn’t show the price this is a good technique as price can put people off so it is best to not put it on. Also this will make people go and view the CD and price it therefore they are getting publicity and attention. The poster has also given the audience the opportunity to use the web and found out more information and thus boosting sales through the internet. All over the advert capital letters have been used, this is to demonstrate the album is important.

Gwen Stefani

Font is a very crucial factor as it is part of the artists logo therefore it can easily be recognised and because Gwen Stefani’s font is so detailed. It has to be shown on an advert where it can be seen and stand out which is why the font is so big, bold and stylish. The advert itself looks like it has a story to tell or has something to do with her album or single she as she looks like she is sleepy or dreaming and this is backed up by the smudged technique. This is also shown in the image at the bottom left corner as it is her album therefore she has recycled the image by using it as a medium hot, rather than a long one on the album. Consequently making the two link and be more distinguishable as a Gwen Stefani product. Also as this technique is everywhere but her face she suggests this as well, yet the designers have been careful not to use it on her face to make her image still recognisable. Also because she is dressed and holding props like a crown, it suggests it’s a dream as she isn’t the queen in real life. It looks very feminine with the makeup and light colours used e.g. pink stereotypically for girls yet it uses yellow which is a neutral colour. The advert is very stylish and sophisticated as it isn’t over done and because there is a fancy font used this is another challenge that has to be considered when designing the advert. The picture is very appealing as it looks very sexual and attractive, therefore making the consumer want it, although the advert doesn’t pressure its audience as “Album in stores now” is quite small.

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