Tuesday 5 October 2010

Initial Ideas - Many Narratives and Final Narrative

In this post, you can see how we developed our initial ideas for our music video. We came up with 4 different ideas and wrote down what sort of shots we would use, and how that would be done, we also then weighed up the pros and cons of each narrative we had;

Spilt Personality Narrative

*Can show an interesting perspective on skitzophrenia
*The various shots that can be used will make the video look more professional e.g. split screen
*Keeps the viewer wanting more - expecting twists - cliffhangers
*Fits the genre of the song
*Fits the mood of song

*Can be difficult to portray without it looking tacky
*Could offend mental health patients
*Filming could be lengthy
*Spilt personality often needs two characters so it will be difficult to use the same actor in the same shot twice.

Love Relationship Narrative

*Everyone enjoys this type of narrative
*Can be done really well, in the sense of the girl appearing etc - see pitch
*Costume, mise en scene and location can be easily organised as it portrays everyday life
*Narrative is relevant to the age group the song projects to
*Everyone can relate to - emotionally

*Done many times, unoriginal - can become boring if not distinctly different
*Can look like no effort has been put in as location etc is easily organised - impulse filming
*If it is done distinctly different viewers can become confused and may not enjoy the video

Boy/Girl Love Narrative

*Distinctly different so can be good for audience
*Interesting therefore popularity of the video can be more successful.
*Raises gender issues that are commonly saw in public - this can help people - relate to.
*Can keep viewers watching - cliffhanger, expecting a twist.

*As its different viewers may not be interested in watching - want something they can easily comprehend.
*As it can raise issues this may cause controversy - lowering popularity

Circus/Misfits Narrative

*Can be done in very good way eg. Can get people who can perform circus tricks etc.
*Shots that can be used can be good if done properly.

Very hard to do in the time given
*Mis-en-scene etc will be extremely hard – High budget.
*Very time consuming

Voodoo Dolls Narrative

*Unusal narrative not done before
*Can be creative in the shots and angles used in the voodoo scenes
*Can be seen in a comic view
*Able to make the actions of the voodoo doll anything!
*Can create the voodoo doll to style we want

*May scare viewers
*Viewers may not understand story

We then finally decided on the Voodoo doll narrative, which is explalined in more detail here:

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