Monday 4 October 2010

Homework Task - Analysis of 3 Music Adverts

Lostprophets Poster:
The use of the 3 colours shows the target audience that that is the house theme of the poster. The backwards ‘R’ stands out to the target audience, enticing the viewer into reading more, which will then entice them into buying the album the poster is promoting. Using the lightning/electrifying imagery also catches the eye of the viewer, as it is in the centre of the page, as well as being in the brightest colour within the house theme. The headshots of the band members signify to the viewer that they are the ‘Lostprophets’. The fact that the band name is in a different font to the name of the album signifies that both of the titles are important, and both have to stand out to catch the viewer’s eye. Also the facial expressions on the band members show a gormless look, which could relate to ‘the betrayed’ as they can be perceived as if they are speechless. On the other hand the facial expressions could be linked to the lightning/electrifying imagery, this can be linked as they could be in a state of shock after just being struck by lightning. The use of wings suggests that a band member could have possibly left, which can also then be linked to ‘the betrayed’.

Fall Out Boy Poster – Folie a deux
The meaning folie a duex is ‘shared physiological disorder’, the use of the teddy bear on the poster shows the audience that the album could possibly be more fun and light hearted than what the translation of folie a duex is. However, the fact that the teddy is torn up and ragged, which what looks like a bottle of alcohol, could show the audience that the album could possibly have a more sinister side to the album, rather than it being all light hearted. The use of the cartoon like font for the band name again shows the lighthearted side of the album, and the fun the band are having whilst performing the songs. Also, the use of the house themes of brown, green and white could show the audience that the poster stands out from other posters, insinuating that the album also does this, by having better quality songs etc. It could also be used to entice the audience into buying it as it stands out, as well as this, the colours green and brown, aren’t aesthetically pleasing, which in a sense, could have an adverse effect on the advertising, as many people are drawn to posters through the use of ‘pretty’ colours, not browns and greens. Again, the use of the torn up teddy, is the folie a duex albums’ motif, therefore of course it would make sense to use this on the poster, this shows the audience that the poster is linked to Fall Out Boy and their new album, without having to read the information on the poster.

GreenDay – American Idiot
The meaning behind ‘American Idiot’ is about George Bush sending American troops to Iraq, the use of the heart shaped grenade, will show the viewer that the band itself do not agree with what he had done, which shows their support of the public, as millions of Americans did not agree. It also shows the audience that the band have an understanding about everyday life and politics, which could be argued that most bands don’t as they live their life in a bubble. The use of the bright red colour for the grenade symbolises blood, which could show the viewer how they feel the Iraq war will play out. The use of the red writing for the title ‘American Idiot’ again reinforces the colour of blood. The fact that the grenade is a heart, shows the audience that the band that they think the then President, is playing with millions of peoples hearts, as almost all the troops have a family. The use of an all black background helps the title and the name of the band; stand out. The fact that the colour scheme is red white and black, signifies, that they think everything is not just black and white, there is always something deeper. For example, George Bush had other reasons to go into Iraq. The use of the hand holding the grenade, symbolises blood shed and war.

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